This question always ... always... pops out in my mind. I kinda know what I want actually. Just that I don't have the chance to go for that path. How I wish I'm very fortunate like other kids out there, that get what they want. I will try and find a way to put my feet on the floor path where I wanna head to. I did screw things up during my secondary school days.. I admit it >.< . However, the past is the past, we cannot go back time, therefore, I shall just struggle and do my best to make it happen.
I'm a kind of person who just want things to go my way sometimes.. and yeah.. I know it's a bit negative, but somehow, if you don't have your own stand, when will you voice it out and make things go your way?? Make your dreams come true?? We only give up if it is really hopeless to achieve something. Hence, we strive for every single chances that we got , although it is only 0.01%. I must have this kind of mindset to keep me motivated every single day. :)